

作者:易隐者 发布于:2012-8-31 15:32 Friday 分类:网络分析




       Long_323(龙的传人)兄弟曾跟我讨论:在无法解码应用层报文时,能否根据TCP  PUSH位来分析应用响应时间?


       所谓应用响应时间,是指客户端有发出请求,服务器端会针对该请求作出相应的响应,我们才可以分析计算其响应时间。如果我们无法解码应用层,那么我们就无法确定其到底是不是一个请求报文,如果不是请求报文(例如,我的《TCP交互交互式应用》一文中提到的互动游戏的报文、TCP keepalive保活的报文等)但是其TCP PUSH位是置一的,那么我们怎么能根据这一点就计算出应用的响应时间呢?

       也许有经常关注我的兄弟会问:你说不可以,那怎么在你写的文章《关于“client push”应用响应时间测量方法的讨论》中,建议说“从客户端带有PUSH标志位的数据包开始计算,至服务器端响应应用层数据停止计算”呢?如果真有这么问的兄弟,我会非常欣慰,因为能问出这个问题的人,说明他有认真仔细的研读过我的文章,那么他肯定会从中获得一些帮助和成长,我会为此而心生满足。言归正传,在我的《关于“client push”应用响应时间测量方法的讨论》一文里,全文的基础和基调都已经定在为“client push”的应用场景了,看标题你就会明白,不需要我多说了吧。


1, 可以明确我们要分析的应用类型为请求-响应类的应用
2, 虽不能解码,但是我们在做分析时,需要将具体的请求操作和数据报文结合起来分析,以提高分析的科学性和准确性
3, 对分析的结果要求不是非常高、非常严谨的






标签: TCP 应用字段 响应时间 应用响应时间 ART 保活 push 交互式应用 client push 接收缓存 keepalive

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作者:易隐者 发布于:2012-8-30 21:29 Thursday 分类:网络分析









       我在08年做内部《TCPIP详解卷一》培训在讲到第19章《TCP的交互数据流》时,曾今专门捕获了WAR 3的局域网游戏的交互报文,用于讲解TCP交互式应用的特性,现在把这个报文一并放在此供各位参考。

WAR 3的局域网游戏的报文:





标签: 同步 TCP 应用字段 故障 push 交互式应用 交互

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作者:易隐者 发布于:2012-8-29 8:59 Wednesday 分类:其 他




人类能做到的一些超炫的事情,其实早就存在了!比如,蚂蚁觅食,就跟网络传送协议(TCP/Internet's Transmission Control Protocol)的方法基本差不多,蚂蚁们一直就这样收集着食物。假如先前的蚂蚁出去好久了都还没带食物回的话,它们就不再外派找吃的了;当初级数据包显示小带宽时,TCP就会节流数据传输。


这项发现的研究者之一 Balaji Prabhakar 说,假如蚂蚁的这个行为在网络之前就被发现的话,可能会影响网络的设计。这种觅食方式久经时间考验,可能有很多值得我们学习的地方。鬼知道呢,说不定此刻也还有其它的算法早就存在着,正默默地等着被发现。



Mankind has been able to accomplish some pretty impressive things, but some of them were around long before we figured them out. Ants, for instance, hunt for food in a way that's basically the same as the Internet's Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), and they were doing it long before the Internet was around.

It all has to do with how harvester ants gather their food. The same way that TCP will throttle data transmission if initial packets indicate little bandwidth, harvester ants will send less foragers out for food if the initial ones take too long to come back with grub.

From Stanford News:

[The] rate at which harvester ants – which forage for seeds as individuals – leave the nest to search for food corresponds to food availability.

A forager won't return to the nest until it finds food. If seeds are plentiful, foragers return faster, and more ants leave the nest to forage. If, however, ants begin returning empty handed, the search is slowed, and perhaps called off.

And that's not where the similarities end either. Ants also use TCP's slow start technique, by sending out a wave of foragers (packets) to figure out the relative amount of food (bandwidth) before scaling their numbers up or down. Likewise, the same way a connection will time out if the source stops sending packets, the ants will stop sending out new foragers if none return for 20 minutes.

Balaji Prabhakar, one of the researchers behind the discovery, says that if this behavior had been uncovered pre-Internet, it might have influenced its design. Even so, this foraging process has been seriously time-tested, and there still might be things we can learn from it. In the meantime, who knows what other algorithms might already be out there, quietly waiting to be discovered.



斯坦福研究者发现“蚂蚁网”-Stanford researchers discover the 'anternet'

A collaboration between a Stanford ant biologist and a computer scientist has revealed that the behavior of harvester ants as they forage for food mirrors the protocols that control traffic on the Internet.

Katherine Decktar Harvester ant foragers waiting inside the nest

Harvester ant foragers waiting inside the nest.

On the surface, ants and the Internet don't seem to have much in common. But two Stanford researchers have discovered that a species of harvester ants determine how many foragers to send out of the nest in much the same way that Internet protocols discover how much bandwidth is available for the transfer of data. The researchers are calling it the "anternet."

Deborah Gordon, a biology professor at Stanford, has been studying ants for more than 20 years. When she figured out how the harvester ant colonies she had been observing in Arizona decided when to send out more ants to get food, she called across campus to Balaji Prabhakar, a professor of computer science at Stanford and an expert on how files are transferred on a computer network. At first he didn't see any overlap between his and Gordon's work, but inspiration would soon strike.

"The next day it occurred to me, 'Oh wait, this is almost the same as how [Internet] protocols discover how much bandwidth is available for transferring a file!'" Prabhakar said. "The algorithm the ants were using to discover how much food there is available is essentially the same as that used in the Transmission Control Protocol."

Transmission Control Protocol, or TCP, is an algorithm that manages data congestion on the Internet, and as such was integral in allowing the early web to scale up from a few dozen nodes to the billions in use today. Here's how it works: As a source, A, transfers a file to a destination, B, the file is broken into numbered packets. When B receives each packet, it sends an acknowledgment, or an ack, to A, that the packet arrived.

This feedback loop allows TCP to run congestion avoidance: If acks return at a slower rate than the data was sent out, that indicates that there is little bandwidth available, and the source throttles data transmission down accordingly. If acks return quickly, the source boosts its transmission speed. The process determines how much bandwidth is available and throttles data transmission accordingly.

L.A. CiceroDeborah Gordon

Biologist Deborah Gordon has been studying ants for more than 20 years.

It turns out that harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex barbatus) behave nearly the same way when searching for food. Gordon has found that the rate at which harvester ants – which forage for seeds as individuals – leave the nest to search for food corresponds to food availability.

A forager won't return to the nest until it finds food. If seeds are plentiful, foragers return faster, and more ants leave the nest to forage. If, however, ants begin returning empty handed, the search is slowed, and perhaps called off.

Prabhakar wrote an ant algorithm to predict foraging behavior depending on the amount of food – i.e., bandwidth – available. Gordon's experiments manipulate the rate of forager return. Working with Stanford student Katie Dektar, they found that the TCP-influenced algorithm almost exactly matched the ant behavior found in Gordon's experiments.

"Ants have discovered an algorithm that we know well, and they've been doing it for millions of years," Prabhakar said.

They also found that the ants followed two other phases of TCP. One phase is known as slow start, which describes how a source sends out a large wave of packets at the beginning of a transmission to gauge bandwidth; similarly, when the harvester ants begin foraging, they send out foragers to scope out food availability before scaling up or down the rate of outgoing foragers.

Another protocol, called time-out, occurs when a data transfer link breaks or is disrupted, and the source stops sending packets. Similarly, when foragers are prevented from returning to the nest for more than 20 minutes, no more foragers leave the nest.

Prabhakar said that had this discovery been made in the 1970s, before TCP was written, harvester ants very well could have influenced the design of the Internet.

Gordon thinks that scientists have just scratched the surface for how ant colony behavior could help us in the design of networked systems.

There are 11,000 species of ants, living in every habitat and dealing with every type of ecological problem, Gordon said. "Ants have evolved ways of doing things that we haven't thought up, but could apply in computer systems. Computationally speaking, each ant has limited capabilities, but the collective can perform complex tasks.

"So ant algorithms have to be simple, distributed and scalable – the very qualities that we need in large engineered distributed systems," she said. "I think as we start understanding more about how species of ants regulate their behavior, we'll find many more useful applications for network algorithms."

The work is published in the Aug. 23 issue of PLoS Computational Biology.





标签: TCP 蚂蚁 蚂蚁网

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作者:易隐者 发布于:2012-8-28 22:58 Tuesday 分类:网络分析



    为此我花费了点时间找了一些基于UDP 的应用报文解码,我们一起逐一来看看吧。 












标签: UDP 基于UDP的应用 可靠性 DHCP RTP TFTP 保活

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作者:易隐者 发布于:2012-8-27 18:36 Monday 分类:网络安全










       我们接着来看一个实际用户工作环境下抓取的UDP 组播分片报文: 








标签: UDP 组播 分片攻击 多播 协议栈 拒绝服务攻击

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